2020 ARRL 160 - Single Operator High Power Unlimited
1819 QSOs
84 Sections
Total Score - 502,000
Link to some of the CW operation
Steve, N9CK; Roger, N4RR; Tim, K9WX and Don, K9NR
2018 CQ WW RTTY M/2 Team
Don, K9NR; Mike, ND9G; Tim, K9WX; Steve, AI9T; Craig, K9CT and Steve, N9CK
2022 update:
Adding two towers this year. One is a 30 foot Rohn 65 and the other is a 150 foot LUSO. The Rohn 65 will be used for 6m EME. The LUSO will have a 80m 3 element yagi at the top, 15m 7 element OWA yagi, 12/17m JK long boom yagi and a 10m 8 element in descending order. This has been a long process to secure the building permits and actual receive the LUSO tower. Shipping from China to the USA is very expensive!
2020 update:
Purchased adjacent 20 acre property and moved the RX antennas. I currently have 8 circle, phased Beverages to EU, Beverage to 22 degrees, Bi directional Beverages for NW and SE and E and W.
Started a 6M EME array to add DXCC for the Challenge
Started a project to add 15m and 10m OWA antennas to the 40m tower using a Triplexer from VA6AM. This will give additional isolation on the same band when running EU.
Added solar power and deep cycle SLA batteries to each of the towers to power the low voltage devices. This will give greater isolation from power surges and lightning strikes.
I have two station locations. One at home and another for contesting. These sites are about 4 miles apart. The contest station has been built in consultation with many top contesters. The layout was selected to minimize interstation interference issues. The station utilizes many of the top devices and software currently available.
We coordinated and hosted W1AW/9 IL for the ARRL Centennial in June, 2014. This operation covered the ARRL Field Day weekend. We made over 61,000 contacts by 59 operators throughout the state. Of that total, 11,846 were on Field Day, almost 500 QSOs per hour. We used three station locations for Field Day.
IARU 2018 we hosted NU1AW/9. This is the Headquarters station for IARU. We split in to CW and phone teams. K9CT did CW and WB9Z hosted the phone team. We tied the stations together with N1MM Plus and had a blast!
I did a seminar on the design of the station and you can find this online WWROF
Please take some time to look through the website and see what has been done. Some of the information has not been put on the website just yet, but will evolve as I get time to update. If you have questions, just drop me an email.
73 and hope to see you soon!
craig at k9ct.us
Craig Thompson
K9CT - Craig
1603 N. Holiday Lane
Trivoli Illinois 61569-9643 United States
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Achievements & DXpeditions
DXCC Honor Roll 360/338 I need BV9P and P5.
DXCC: Mixed, Phone, CW, RTTY, 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6M. DXCC Challenge 2994 and 96 verified on 2M.
5BWAZ and 160 WAZ 39 verified, need Zone 22.
WAS 11 Bands - 160 through 2 meters, plus Phone, RTTY and CW. Completed ARRL Triple Play 1/21/2009
2 Meter WAS completed with KL7UW April 14, 2013 (43 states via tropo or Meteor Scatter (CW and FSK441)) 83 verified DXCC
Pitcairn Island
3Y0Z - Bouvet Island - Unsuccessful
KH5-P Palmyra Atoll - Co-Leader
K1N, Navassa DXpedition of the Year
TI9KK, Isla del Cocos,
K4M, Midway Island DXpedition of the Year
PJ7E, Sint Maarten Co-Leader
NH8S, Swains Island Co-Leader DXpedition of the Year
3D2C, Conway Reef
K9W, Wake Island Co-Leader
FT5ZM, Amsterdam Island DXpedition of the Year
Swains Island NH8S September 4 - 18, 2012
Conway Reef 3D2C September 24 - October 5, 2012
Click TI9KK Isla del Cocos to visit their website.
Video of the 2009 Midway DXpedition antenna farm. No snow here!
DXpedition PJ7E Sint Maarten
October 10, 2010 was a special day for Sint Maarten, as they gained their independence from Dutch rule. To celebrate this historic event, a group of experienced DXers, led by Craig and Joe, W8GEX joined together to put this new country on the air.
Click http://www.pj7e.com/ for more info and lots of photos.
Home Antennas
SteppIR DB-36 with 6m and 80m options. Just above that are M2 yagis for 144, 222 and 432. This is mounted on a US Tower HDX 589 motorized tower. The rotator is a M2 2800.
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